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What is a technical drawing? | Making Stuff: Part 1 | Articles

What is a technical drawing? | Making Stuff: Part 1 | Articles

There comes a time in every fabricator’s life when they realize there’s an asymptote in the home garage. No matter how skilled you are with a grinder, how straight your hacksaw cuts, or how steady you can hold that hand drill, there’s an invisible line of quality and accuracy that you can approach–but never cross–at home. 

We’re talking about those brackets on your race car that are clearly handmade, or the fabricated parts with more right angles and grinder marks than every other component on your BMW combined. 

These flaws add character to any build, and they’re a badge of honor for many enthusiasts. But they’re also proof of your limitations, signs  that there’s a whole new world just over the horizon. 

We’re talking, of course, about the world of machining, where tolerances are measured in the tenths of a thousandth of an inch, and the possibilities are seemingly endless. 

Most enthusiasts have limited experience in this…

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