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F1 needs structure to correct FIA errors, says McLaren

F1 needs structure to correct FIA errors, says McLaren

With the controversy over the FIA’s handling of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix safety car restart showing no signs of calming down, there is an intense focus on the outcome of a meeting of the F1 Commission on Monday.

There, the FIA is due to present to teams its findings from its investigation into the events surrounding the F1 season finale, as well as map out what it plans to do to ensure there is no repeat of the controversy in the future.

But McLaren boss Seidl believes changes need to go far beyond looking just at what happened in Abu Dhabi, as he thinks there should be a wider overhaul of the way F1 races are run.

And, in particular, he thinks some new processes should be introduced to make sure that, in the event the FIA or its stewards do make errors in the future, then there is an agreed system in place for them to correct any negative consequences.

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