Motorsport News

Second Jeddah F1 practice delayed after emergency meeting

Second Jeddah F1 practice delayed after meeting about oil facility attack

With Houthis having claimed responsibility for a missile strike on an Aramco facility close to the track, F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali called an emergency meeting in the Jeddah paddock on Friday evening.

All the current drivers, plus team principals, were updated on the latest information regarding the attack and what F1 was planning to do in response.

With the meeting running near the start of practice, it was announced before the scheduled 8pm start time that it would be delayed to allow drivers suitable preparation time for running. The delay ran for 15 minutes.

F1 is expected to issue a formal statement later detailing its plan of action in response to the events.

The proximity of the attack to the track on a weekend where Saudi Arabia is in the spotlight through the hosting of a major international sporting event has served to heighten security concerns.

The unprecedented meeting in the paddock took place after an explosion at an Aramco facility near Jeddah’s international…

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