Formula 1 Racing

Mick Schumacher’s crash looked worse than what it was

Mick Schumacher's crash looked worse than what it was

Mick Schumacher’s Monaco Grand Prix crash, which split his Haas in two, looked worse than it was with Damon Hill saying the car did its job in protecting the driver.

Chasing down Yuki Tsunoda in Sunday’s Monaco Grand Prix on a drying Monte Carlo street circuit, Schumacher got it slightly wrong in the swimming pool section.

So slight he reckons he was just “10 centrimetres” off line but that was enough to cause him to lose control, his car spearing into one barrier before bouncing off and hitting another.

Such was the impact that his VF-22 split in two, the rear suspension and gearbox in one pile of debris, Schumacher in his safety cell in the other.

The driver climbed from the car unaided before being taken to the track’s medical centre for precautionary checks, Schumacher saying he was “okay”.

Hill says that’s because between the different impact areas on the various sides of the car and the chassis breaking, it minimised the strain on the driver’s body.

He explained to Sky Sports News: “To be honest, if you whack a Formula One car in the right place, you can see it swinging around and the back of the car takes a blow laterally rather than longitudinally, and so they’re quite weak in that direction and sometimes they’re designed to break apart.

“But yes, it looks pretty alarming, isn’t it?

“And actually, it’s quite an amusing moment where the marshals picked up the back of the car and just wheeled it off like a wheelbarrow.

“But, you know, in actual fact, it looks worse than it is.

“I mean, a rotational accident is actually quite a good thing because it dissipates the energy and the driver, the shock if you like goes into the breaking of the back of the car off and rather than into the cockpit where the driver sits.”


Unfortunately for Haas the debris field is said have cost the team…

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