Motorsport News

Limited Time Special Offer on MSR Text Message Blaster

Limited Time Special Offer on MSR Text Message Blaster

Checking our phones for notifications, texts, and alerts has become almost an unconscious act for many. It’s not exactly controversial to say that smartphones are heavily relied upon in some form for nearly all facets of our day-to-day activities. 

 This is why text message marketing has become so popular in recent years. With so many people paying such close attention to their phones, why not take advantage of this and send alerts, schedule updates, promotions and more through these channels to your organization’s members and attendees right from within MotorsportReg?

 Did you know:

  • At around 90%, the text message open rate is almost triple that of the average email open rate
  • 77% of consumers have a positive perception of companies who use text messaging
  • Less than 3% of text messages are marked as spam while almost 50% of emails are filtered as spam
  • 29% of recipients click on a link in a text message they receive. In contrast, average email click-through rates hover around 2.5%
  • British motor racing circuit Silverstone sent a bulk text message to 45,000 people in their database inviting them to purchase tickets for an upcoming Formula 1 race, resulting in an ROI of 680%

 Over the last few years, we’ve seen a significant increase in the number of organizations within MSR who are successfully utilizing the Text Message Blaster feature to promote their upcoming events, communicate calls to grid, relay important event day updates, send pre-event reminders and more. And with a recent enhancement to the Text Message Blaster, you can now pre-schedule your messages to send to specific groups of people at a future date and time. 

From now through the end of July, we’re offering 10% off Text Message Blaster packages for all MotorsportReg users. Whether you’re activating Text Message Blaster for the first time or reloading your account with additional messages, now is the time to load up on message credits and begin taking advantage of these little devices we all carry around. We’re certain that your events will run a little bit smoother because of it!

Discounted Text Message Blaster credits can be purchased by clicking here through the end of July 2022. 

Happy texting! 

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