Motorsport News

What Does Kyle Busch News Mean For Tyler Reddick?

What Does Kyle Busch News Mean For Tyler Reddick?

What does next year look like for Tyler Reddick in light of Kyle Busch’s move [to the No. 8 for Richard Childress Racing for 2023]? – @Walker_Skeeter

It depends entirely on what Kurt Busch’s doctors say. 

Should the elder Busch brother get the go-ahead from the docs and return to the No. 45 team for 23XI Racing full time in 2023, Reddick’s in a bit of a pickle. 

Yes, Richard Childress confirmed that his team will field three chartered cars in 2023, one each for Reddick, Kyle Busch and Austin Dillon, but he was also very clear in the announcement that Busch is going to the No. 8 with Randall Burnett as the crew chief. Reddick will be placed in a third chartered entry to be announced at a later date. 

So if Kurt Busch comes back as planned, Reddick is going to drive a third RCR car. Let’s call it No. 29 for now. 

RCR could buy a third charter for Reddick, commit to running the No. 29 in the long term and hang that 2024 NASCAR Cup Series seat as a carrot on a stick in front of its NASCAR Xfinity Series drivers Austin Hill and Sheldon Creed

Or, more likely, RCR will lease that charter for a single year, run the car with personnel scavenged from one of Kyle Busch Motorsports’ Camping World Truck Series teams and condemn Reddick to a year racing RCR’s dedicated R&D car. Think 2016-Clint-Bowyer levels of afterthought. 

Regardless, Reddick will come out swinging whenever he gets to 23XI.

But “whenever” is not necessarily 2024. Even if Kurt Busch can’t come back next season (which would be a truly unfortunate way to say goodbye to a champion), Richard Childress still has to make every effort to honor the letter of his contract with Reddick.

Toyota may well find itself needing to replace two Busch brothers in one Silly Season, and, as talented as he may be, Ty Gibbs can’t drive two race cars. 23XI will be licking their chops to bring Reddick on board, and all they’ll have to do is buy him out from RCR. 

Make no mistake, in either of these situations, the real winner, at least in 2023, is Childress. He’s just signed the biggest free agent since … well, Kyle Busch…

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