Motorsport News

What are some of the most common motorcycle injuries?

What are some of the most common motorcycle injuries?

Although cars and trucks are the most common vehicles on the road, a portion of the United States population is dedicated to motorcycle riding as their primary mode of commute. While the freedom and flexibility offered by a motorcycle are irresistible for most riders, their inherently dangerous nature is universally acknowledged. The lack of protection offered by an open vehicle combined with the heavy and unpredictable nature of traffic on US roads puts motorcycle riders at a significantly higher risk of both getting involved in road traffic accidents and acquiring life-threatening or even fatal injuries. 

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If you got involved in a motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligent driving, you can seek legal action against them and hold them accountable for their reckless behaviour in a court of law. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help you obtain reparations through a well-researched lawsuit. While obtaining compensation will not reverse the accident or its adverse consequences on your health, life, and finances, it will help you get your life back on track by relieving some of the financial stress that can follow such an incident.

Why Motorcycle Injuries Occur

Motorcycles lack the cover and protection offered by a closed vehicle like a car or truck. They also lack the stability offered by four-wheeled vehicles, making them more prone to easy disbalance and loss of control while driving. Losing control while driving a motorcycle can prove catastrophic since injuries can quickly become lethal due to the absence of safety and rapid speed.

Types of Motorcycle Injuries

Motorcycle accident injuries can range from minor bruises and lacerations to traumatic brain injury, paralysis, and death. Here are some of the most common types of injuries seen in motorcycle accidents in the United States.

Bone Fractures

Bone fractures are the most common subset of injuries acquired during motorcycle accidents. As motorcycles are prone to flipping, they can easily land on the rider or passenger. Additionally, these accidents often see riders being thrown off their vehicles, resulting in fractures of the ribcage, arms, legs, shoulder, hip, or spine.

Spinal Cord Damage

If a person fractures their backbone due to the impact of hitting the ground during an accident, they can sustain permanent damage to their spinal cord. While all forms of nerve damage are equally dangerous, damage to the spinal cord…

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