Motorsport News

Portimao hard race.

Portimao hard race.

Racing is a journey of highs and lows, and our weekend at Portimao was no exception. From engine issues during Free Practice 1 to a brake cooling problem that forced us to retire from Race 2, it was a tough couple of days on the track. But through it all, my brother and I never lost our fighting spirit.

We pushed ourselves to P6 in qualifying, and battled through a challenging Race 1 to finish in P7. And despite the setback in Race 2, we're already focused on bouncing back stronger in the next event. Huge thanks to our incredible team at Breda Motorsport for their unwavering support and dedication.

It's all part of the journey, and we're ready to take on whatever challenges come our way. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and positivity! Let's keep the momentum going! 🏎💨🔥 #BredaMotorsport #FordEscort #Portimao #GT4 #Motorsports #Teamwork #RacingLife #SportsCars #RaceFans #MotorsportCommunity

submitted by /u/maxhuber_ow

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