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Clarkson, Hammond and May: What were your favorite moments? | Articles


They definitely inspired multiple generations. I knew their time was coming to an end when we only got 1-2 specials a year from them. Their legacy will live on for a long time. 

There are far too many great moments from their years on air together. I feel like they nailed almost every episode. I enjoyed their narration and story telling more than anything. Their banter was always comedic too. 

I’ll have to say the Reliant Robin episode had me laughing pretty hard the first time I watched it. 

I also loved when Forza had the Top Gear Test track in it so you could be your own STIG. 

I’d say that Top Gear was a big driver for where I am today–and I’m certain it inspired many of the other automotive media outlets you see today.

Although I hesitate to call myself an “automotive journalist,” it’s pretty rad that I live in a world where I get paid to do what I do–which is mostly yap on the internet about cars I think are cool.

I always enjoyed them the most when they were trying to get some sad, tired cars to accomplish a fairly insignificant task. The budget supercar episode is an excellent one, as were a number of their cheap car challenges. The boys seemed to genuinely enjoy the challenge and the banter was just so much fun. They love language, they love cars and they were clever.

My all time favorite is the Indestructible Hilux. 

Anytime they rolled out the a-team theme I knew I was going to see some weird, amazing E36 M3.


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