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Car accident personal injury claim in New York – important considerations

Car accident personal injury claim in New York – important considerations

According to the New York Police statistics, there were 9,183 traffic collisions in New York during November 2021. Out of these, 525 occupants suffered injuries, and 6 people died. Therefore, car accidents are a real possibility when driving in the Bronx. 

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It is important to note that there are specific state laws and New York is no exception. New York has particular regulations that you should be aware of if you are in the position of pursuing a personal injury claim in New York, especially if from a different state.

Let’s look at some of these critical differences so that you are not making assumptions based on the state you live in that could set you up for failure. 

The New York Statute of Limitations

You have a limited period from the date of the accident, during which time you need to get your case started. Should you fail to do so within the prescribed period, your lawsuit will face probable dismissal by the…

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