Motorsport News

“Freedom, independence, revival: the power of the motorbike”

"Freedom, independence, revival: the power of the motorbike"

Watching a Grand Prix while helping to save lives in Africa. This is Andrea Coleman’s mission through Two Wheels for Life

Some events change lives forever, passions that mark our existences and insights that have the power to change for the better the lives of people we don’t know but for whom we are willing to commit so that they have a better existence.

For Andrea Coleman, the motorcycle is a life companion: both as a means of competition and as a work tool, but above all as a ‘medium’ to savour freedom in its purest essence.

At the same time, Andrea has always been concerned about making medical care within reach for those who live in poorer countries, where access to healthcare is a real luxury, reserved for the few.

In this story, the motorbike is a constant that marks the end but also the rebirth. Andrea has found in her irrepressible desire to…

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