How To Prepare For Your First Trip To The Chassis Dyno

How To Prepare For Your First Trip To The Chassis Dyno

A chassis dyno is an amazing tool that can be used to extract the maximum amount of performance out of a vehicle. The dyno will also put a lot of stress on your vehicle just like a trip to the track, which means you need to properly prepare. If your vehicle isn’t ready for a dyno session, chances are you’re about to waste a lot of money and time fixing issues on the rollers.

If you talk to any dyno owner or tuner, one of the biggest problems they have to deal with is vehicles that aren’t ready. When you’re rushing to get a vehicle finished, it’s easy to miss something or not check to make sure a system is functioning correctly. A small issue can turn into a big problem in a hurry during a dyno session.

It may seem basic, but the first thing you need to do is make sure the vehicle isn’t leaking any fluids. A small drip can turn into a big stream when you start to push any vehicle on the dyno. You should also check to make sure all of the basic mechanical aspects of the vehicle are working. The vehicle should be prepared like it’s about to make a cross-country journey. You don’t want to have to diagnose issues while the car is strapped down and burning through expensive dyno time.

Check out this video from Haltech and take notes on these great tips on what you need to do to get your vehicle ready for a dyno session.


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