Formula 1 Racing

FIA reminds F1 teams pit wall fence celebrations remain prohibited · RaceFans

Sergio Perez, Red Bull, Jeddah Corniche Circuit, 2023

FIA Formula 1 race director Niels Wittich has reminded teams that allowing personnel to climb the pit wall fence is prohibited under the International Sporting Code.

Team members celebrating drivers finishing races by climbing the catch fencing along the pit lane has been a regular sight over the years, but technically remains forbidden under Appendix H, Article 2.3.2 of the FIA ISC.

The practice was originally banned by the FIA for the 2006 season. Team members remain forbidden from climbing the fencing along the pit lane to celebrate, with Article 2.3.2 stating it is “forbidden for personnel to climb on pit wall debris fences at any time. Any action by a team breaching this ban will be reported to the stewards.”

Red Bull personnel were seen climbing the fence in celebration as Sergio Perez took the chequered flag in Jeddah. Ferrari and Mercedes mechanics also climbed the pit wall fencing during celebrations when their teams won in 2022. None of these incidents have resulted in any investigation by the stewards.

In his race director’s event notes for this weekend’s Australian Grand Prix, Wittich included a reference to Article 2.3.2, reminding them that climbing the pit wall remains prohibited.

It is the latest in a series of efforts by the sport’s governing body to reinforce the application of existing rules. Last year, the FIA clamped down on drivers racing while wearing underwear that did not adhere to fireproof regulations and enforcing its ban on wearing jewellery and piercings while driving.

After taking over as F1 race director, Wittich also reiterated other aspects of the sporting regulations. These included using the painted lines at the edge of tracks to consistently define track limits under the provisions of article 33.3, and preventing drivers ‘crowding’ rivals at race restarts by pulling alongside them under Safety Car as described in article 55.14.

Appendix H – Article 2.3.2

Restriction of personnel

Organisers of races are reminded that the pit lane represents a potentially dangerous area during the running of a competition, not only because of the racing cars using it but also in view of accidents which may occur owing to cars being on the race track adjacent to it.

Therefore, access to the pit lane should be exclusively reserved during practice and races for those persons specially authorised and having a specific job to do. The pit wall signalling platform should be forbidden to all except authorised officials or race team…

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