Formula 1 Racing

Magnussen suggests Monaco GP sprint race

Start, Monaco, 2023

In the round-up: Kevin Magnussen says a sprint race could be a worthwhile addition to the Monaco Grand Prix weekend.

In brief

Sprint race could suit “weird” Monaco event – Magnussen

Although some supporters of sprint races have said the format wouldn’t be suitable in Monaco, where overtaking is almost impossible, Magnussen believes it could enhance the weekend.

“We know there’s no overtaking in the race so it does feel now with all these other races where overtaking is pretty good and racing is pretty good, that it is a bit of a weird one because there’s so little,” he said. “Maybe there could be more qualifying sessions or a sprint [race] to throw a curveball.”

The Haas driver said the circuit is one of his favourites. “It’s the best track on the calendar to drive, it’s just phenomenal on these little tight streets with walls everywhere,” he said. “The feeling of driving a Formula 1 car in Monaco, to me, is the best of the year.”

Amid speculation over its future on the calendar, Monaco recently signed a short extension to its F1 contract. Magnussen hopes F1 never drops the historic circuit. “The Monaco Grand Prix is a part of the triple crown, it’s one of those races where if you win that, it’s extra special,” he said. “Having driven around there it’s so special, so I hope it stays on the calendar.”

Newey not set on Ferrari – Jordan

Reports Red Bull chief technical officer Adrian Newey has decided to join McLaren have been denied by his manager Eddie Jordan.

“Speaking as someone who should know, and I’m not giving any information away other than I can tell you at no stage, at no stage is any this kind of discussion happening,” he told Formula For Success. “There will be talks and there is going to be ongoing talks, because we have yet to decide what Adrian himself wants to do.”

Jordan suggested Newey will want to spent some time with his family before committing to another F1 team. “He’s been at this since coming straight from his dream to be an engineer at university and Leyton House and Williams, McLaren now Red Bull.

“Jesus, the guy is 60-something, he’s getting a new boat, I would have said that equally alongside all of those potential teams that we’re talking about. the fifth team he should be thinking about is himself. Himself and Amanda. They’ve got a wonderful home in Cape Town. We see a lot of them. They’re great, great friends. I have no idea. And let us be very clear. It’ll…

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