Formula 1 Racing

New rule to prevent dangerous defensive moves at pit entry in Indy 500 · RaceFans

Josef Newgarden, Penske, Indianapolis 500, 2023

IndyCar has issued new rules ahead of tomorrow’s Indianapolis 500 to prevent dangerous defensive moves.

Drivers have pushed their defensive tactics at the exit of the final corner to greater extremes in recent editions of the race by swerving close to the barrier which divides the track from the pit lane.

The final lap of last year’s race saw one of the most dramatic such moves yet, as Josef Newgarden fought to prevent Marcus Ericsson passing him before the finishing line. Newgarden pulled well into the pit lane entrance at the exit of turn four, then swerved back out again, passing close by the blunt end of the barrier at well over 350kph.

The change to the rule announced yesterday will make such moves illegal. Drivers have been told they must not cross the dashed line which extends well before the pit lane entrance without coming into the pits. Those remaining on the pits must therefore stay to the right-hand side of the line and the barrier’s end.

“The dashed white line from the exit of turn four to the pit entry attenuator will be officiated for Sunday’s race,” the series confirmed in a statement which was communicated to drivers at a pre-race meeting on Friday. “Cars that have left-side tyres past the dashed line will be penalised unless entering the pit lane, for incident avoidance or in an obvious attempt to avoid a closed pit lane and return to the racetrack.”

Drivers who break the rule will ordinarily be given a drive-through penalty. If the penalty is issued during a Safety Car period, they will be sent to the rear of the queue. If the penalty is issued after the race, they will be given a time penalty equivalent to the time lost driving through the pits.

IndyCar also confirmed the ‘restart line’ used at the final corner will not be applied at the race. Drivers will be allowed to resume racing after a Safety Car period once the race condition becomes green again.

Video: The final lap of the 2023 Indianapolis 500

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